

Most of us will reluctantly trade film-going for exams this weekend, but for the lucky few who can slip away they should look elsewhere for movies.

There is one cinematographic last gasp at Carpenter Center tonight at 7:30 as Ralph Steiner appears to show his Joy of Seeing, a collection of short films based on "a theory of education through inebriation." Let's hope he wasn't using hand-held cameras. The films include slowdown, hurray for light and glory-glory--an unusual set of titles.

Also tonight, at the Harvard-Epworth Church, is the Boston premiere of Luis Bunuel's Illusion Travels by Streetcars. Illusion is the first part of a Bunuel film series offered by Harvard Epworth.

In Cambridge, the current midnight show at the Orson Welles III is clearly motivated by the coming presidential sweepstakes. Bedtime for Bonzo is the attraction, starring non other than the former governor of California. Ronald Reagan is a college professor who raises a chimpanzee as his own son (or maybe it's the other we around). Sure to become a classic if the Death Valley Das Kid makes it into the Oval Office. The Orson Welles Complex also offers a treat for mystery fans on Friday and Saturday with a Raymond Chandler double feature of Farewell, My Lovely and The Long Goodbye. go and compare Marlowes (Mitchum and Gould).

Last week's double review of Barry Lyndon brought a great response from conspiracy buffs and other elements of the lunatic fringe. Keep those cards and letters coming, folks.
