


To the Editors of the Crimson:

It strikes me that the question of Christmas trees at Harvard transcends the issue of separation of Church and State. After all, the Christmas tree is a token of the relig ous beliefs of a large faction of civil society. In a pluralistic system of the Hegelian mode, public expenditure for Christmas trees would not seem to violate the conception of the modern state as the embodiment of the apex of the free spirit. I realize that this may be a questionable contention. But it strikes me that Ms. Reisman's point of view reflects outmoded natural law thought and a Rousseauist sense of the social contract. Such blatant disregard for the dialectic is unforgivable. Besides, the decorating of a Christmas tree may give expression to the work ethic which, as most Weberians admit, is elemental to the American system. Add to this the fact that Christmas trees are pretty and I think that it is very easy to dismiss Ms. Reisman's contentions. Name witheld upon request
