


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Your story of December 16 headlined "Irate Students at Law School Demand Report" left some important things unsaid:

(1) The efforts to get Dean Sacks to release the Visiting Committee report have been led by the Harvard Law Guild. It was the Governance Committee of the Guild, chaired by Elizabeth Bernstein, that organized the December 15 meeting with Dean Sacks.

(2) Dean Sacks knew in mid-October that students wanted him to release the Visiting Committee report. Yet, it was not until mid-December, when confronted by thirty students and required to account for himself, that Dean Sacks suggested he did not have authority to release the report. In fact, throughout the Guild's dealings with the Dean prior to December 15, he gave us quite the opposite impression.

(3) Dean Sacks has apparently seen himself in an adversarial role with students in this matter. This, despite the fact that students first approached the Dean for information and advice. Unfortunately, Dean Sacks chose to mince his words and mislead us, stalling for tactical advantage--good lawyering, perhaps, but hardly a way for members of a university community to deal with one another. Ira A. Burnim
