
Bok Appoints Martin as Dean Of Engineering

President Bok yesterday announced the appointment of Paul C. Martin '51, professor of Physics, as dean of the Division of Engineering and Applied Physics.

He will replace George F. Carrier, Coolidge Professor of Applied Mathematics, who has served as acting dean since 1975.

Martin, chairman of the Physics Department from 1972 to 1975, said yesterday he will emphasize "close cooperation" between the division and other science departments.

"My aim will be to encourage teaching and the performance of research without special regard to the boundaries between the division and departments," Martin said yesterday.

Martin, a theoretical physicist, said his most recent research has been in the area of fluid dynamics.


"This is one of the things that makes him most attractive to the division, because many of its members share his interest," Henry Ehrenreich, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics, said yesterday.

Martin, who also chairs the Task Force on Concentrations, joined the Faculty in 1957 as an assistant professor. He became an associate professor in 1960 and a professor in 1964.

He held a Sloan Foundation Fellowship from 1959 to 1963, and Guggenheim Foundation Fellowships in 1966 and 1971. He has been a visiting professor both at the Ecole Normale Superieur in Paris and at the University of Paris, and a visiting scientist at the Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires in Saclay, France.

Martin received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1954 and was a research fellow here in physics during 1955 and 1956.

The division's last dean was Harvey Brooks, Pierce Professor of Technology and Public Policy and Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics.
