
University to Launch $15-Million Drive To Fund a Program in Jewish Studies

The University will soon officially launch a $15-million fund-raising drive for the establishment of a Center for Jewish Studies.

The planned drive, which has already received $500,000 in pledges and has a target completion date of 1979, will fund six endowed professorships, 24 endowed fellowships, an expanded Judaicacollection in University libraries, and other programs in Jewish education at Harvard.

Dr. Chase N. Peterson '52, vice-president for alumni affairs and development, said yesterday that "there are a number of drives ahead of this," on President Bok's priority list for University fund drives.

'Special Clientele'

Peterson said that the Center for Jewish Studies Drive is "apt to appeal to a special clientele." He added that the drive "has a very high priority for those with a special interest in the field."


Gerald Weinstock '39, who as volunteer chairman of the national committee for the center is heading the fund raising effort, said yesterday that the campaign will "officially be kicked off in several months."

Weinstock said he hopes that 15 to 20 per cent of the $15-million total will be raised in pledges by the kick-off date.

He said that the 100-member national committee was in the process of identifying potential major donors. He said that the committee is looking for contributions from both foundations and individuals.

Six million dollars of the $15 million is earmarked for six endowed professorships of $1 million each, including chairs in the areas of modern Jewish philosophy, modern Hebrew literature, and modern Jewish history.

Judaica Collection

The 24 endowed fellowships will be established with $3.6 million of the collected funds.

The library's Judaica collection will receive $2.5; million for book funds and endowed curatorships, and $2.9 million will go twards a visiting professorship and scholar program.

There are no plans for a building for the center.

Weinstock said he expects the University to make appointments to some of the center's positions while the drive is in progress.

The University has printed an elaborate, 20-page brochure entitled "The Program for the Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies" which will be sent to prospective donors. Weinstock said that more brochures are planned.
