To the Editors of The Crimson:
Even though I have tried and appreciated almost every known shampoo or deodorant on the market, the only product I have ever been moved to praise in writing is your pre-registration, freshman issue of The Crimson. I sat down and read it cover-to-cover, enjoying every single article (even the ads).
What is more important is that it told me practically everything I have been dying to know since April. I was beginning to feel as if Harvard-Radcliffe had said, "You got in, what more do you want?" No communication.
The copy you sent me has been cut up and pasted into cards in an information file. I'm sure it will be more informative than anything else I have seen or will be distributed. So I hope I can get another copy for my parents, who are furious. Otherwise I'll have to return the file to the Home Recipe people (or do I get to keep it as a free gift?) and tape it together so that the family can read it as well.
I think you should print 1500 more issues and send them, with the admission slips, to every incoming freshman. We'll be a lot less nervous and sorry for ourselves. Or maybe print a pamphlet containing these articles. The possibilities are endless and lucrative. Caroline N. Franklin '79
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