Courses of Instruction
Harvard University;
Rules Relating to College Studies
[Vol. I, General Academic Rules; Vol. II, Fields of Concentration]
Harvard University;
The Freshman Register
Harvard Yearbook Publications;
...on the other hand, certain parts brought into high relief, others left obscure, abruptness, suggestive influence of the unexpressed, "background" quality, multiplicity of meanings and the need for interpretation, universal-historical claims, development of the concept of the historically becoming, and preoccupation with the problematic. --Erich Auerbach
EACH IN its peculiar, "problematic" way, these three books portray a narrowly circumscribed portion of a large, complex world. One is no less a catalogue raisonne of human knowledge; another is an improbably tangled set of rules or bylaws; and the third is a sort of portrait gallery, with literally hundreds of faces staring off its pages. For all their diversity--and it is hard to imagine how three literary works could be more generically dissimilar--Courses of Instruction, Rules Relating and the Freshman Register share an odd way of looking at what is, after all, a very real Harvard College. They are unevenly illuminated, often fragmentary and obscure, always episodic and conventionalized--they exemplify perfectly, Auerbach would say, representational techniques perfected for the first and last time in the Old Testament.
But these publications, which have appeared in slightly altered form every September for many years, are more than neutral representations of various aspects of Harvard. It is impossible to ignore their special, didactic purposes--purposes only faintly hinted at in the texts themselves. Early in Rules Relating, an entire page is devoted to this brief statement
Each undergraduate is expected to be familiar with the contents of this booklet and the Handbook of Undergraduate Regulations.
What better example of the "suggestive influence of the unexpressed"? In form, this statement is identical to the thousands of thinly disguised imperatives that follow, each heavy with the weight of the unsaid: "In addition, every undergraduate must satisfy the requirements of an approved field of concentration"; "A student will be promoted at the end of any term upon the basis of total final credits accumulated"; "A student in an honors program may have his work judged unworthy of honors in the field, but worthy of a degree."
EQUALLY SUGGESTIVE is the spurious reference to the Handbook of Undergraduate Regulations. Undergraduates receive such a booklet, it is true, four times, in their September registration envelopes, but few still have it in their possession by November, and virtually none is familiar with its contents. Nor is there anyone, apparently, who actually "expects" them to be--the passive voice, here as throughout Rules Relating conceals a pseudonymous or perhaps shadowy, Kafkaesque figures than those lurking among the pages of this small handbook, here surfacing as "the Senior Tutor," there as "the Administrative Board," but always making their presence felt.
In contrast, the characters in the Freshman Register seem, at first glance, to be clearly in the foreground. The invisible bureaucrats and administrators of Rules Relating had neither faces nor identities; this slim volume provides both, for nearly 1500 freshmen. And as much as Rules Relating and Courses of Instruction, this is a book with a purpose, a function that far outweighs its stylistic merits. Given, say, the name of a freshman, one can quickly determine where he lives, where he prepped and what field he intends to concentrate his college studies, and one can also get a reasonable idea of what he looks like. Given a face, the task takes on new dimensions, however. The alphabetical organization of this book tends to undermine its most popular use: many are the freshmen who, catching a brief glimpse of some face in the Union lunch line, will peruse the Register for hours in search of a name or (with the help of the Student Directory to be published in October) a telephone number. Perhaps it is time for the editors of the Register to consider a new system of organization, perhaps various facial features--chin curvature, nose length, or the like.
THERE ARE OTHER WAYS to use the Freshman Register. Some have tried leafing through it as a way to get dates (hence the appellation, now rarely heard, "Meatbook"). There are those who feel that asking people out on the basis of their photograph, hometown and field of concentration shows an insensitivity to local mores and customs, but the fact remains that some studious men at Harvard never need to be introduced to a woman in their class.
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