
Dean Pipkin Says New North Master To Be Picked Soon

Francis M. Pipkin, associate dean of the Faculty for the College, said yesterday he is "hopeful and confident" that a new North House Master, the last remaining mastership position to be filled for next year, will be appointed soon.

"We are now near the final stages of negotiating." Pipkin said. Although President Bok will make the final appointment, the new master should be announced shortly, possible within the next two weeks, he said.

The search effort for a successor to retiring North House co-masters Edward and Jaon Keenan begain last December. A committee of both students and tutors of the House has been working closely with the administration in the appointments process.

Michael Jimenez, tutor in North House and staff chairman of the North House master search committee, said yesterday that "there are several candidate possibilities now being pursued."

"It's conceivable that we are now at the end of the road." Jimenez said, "[but] I just am not aware of solid offers."


Leon Eisenberg, professor of Psychiatry, said last month he expected to be offered the mastership of either Lowell. North, or South House, all of which were vacant at the time.

Eisenberg said yesterday he has "seen no indications" that he may have been chosen for the position. He said he has heard nothing new from the administration in the past few weeks.

However, Pipkin said yesterday that Eisenberg was "never actually offered a House and is now not seriously being considered for the position."

Margaret Hunt '75, a student on the search committee, said yesterday that she "presumes the decision will be forthcoming," but added that "the administration has not said anything yet."

"I hope the decision is near and I think it will be made by the end of the school year," Hunt said.

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