A debate entitled "Biological Determinism" will be held May 7 between Bernard D. Davis '36, Lehman Professor of Bacterial Physiology, and Richard C. Lewontin '50, Agassiz Professor of Zoology.
Lewontin said yesterday he expects the debate to cover "questions of genetics and IQ and other related subjects." He said the "genetics of human behavior is irrelevant" and called Davis a "Zealot for the genetical explanation for everything."
Davis has claimed in a letter to me that he thinks there is a wholesale attack on science going on," Lewontin said yesterday, Lewontin said that he rejects this charge but said "people have acted unscientifically" In research relating genetics and human behavior.
The flexibility of human nature makes it impossible to distinguish generic influences on human behavior, Lewontin said.
Davis declined to comment on Lewontin's statements, but said "I expect to offer some comments when the meeting has been publicly announced."
Davis-the challenger in the debate-yesterday declined to respond directly to Lewontin's charge but said "this sounds like Lewontin." Davis also said he does not think it proper to discuss the debate before official announcement of its occurence.
"I don't want demonstrations over the debate," Davis said last week. "All I want," he said, "is an intellectual debate between two professors with opposing views.
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