
Pusey Plans June Retirement, Relinquishes Mellon Presidency

Nathan M. Pusey '28, president emeritus and predecessor to President Bok, will retire in June from his present position as president of the Andrew Mellon Foundation at the age of 68.

Pusey said yesterday he was "looking forward immensely" to his retirement. He said he has no plans and no offers for future positions, and will "spend a summer before even considering them."

17 Years

He was elected as Mellon Foundation president in 1970, following his resignation after 17 years as Harvard president.

The Mellon Foundation awards grants in education, the arts, medicine and other fields.


John E. Sawyer, former president of Williams College and present vice president of the foundation, will succeed Pusey.

Emphasis on Higher Education

Sawyer said Pusey "has done a very good and useful job as president." He noted an emphasis on higher education and the humanities in Pusey's direction of grants, citing several grants to university presses, young post-doctoral students and regional theaters.

Sawyer said he foresees a continuation "in the same line" as Pusey's policies, with greater emphasis added to environmental affairs.
