
Rodgers Runs to Record Win; Winter Paces Women in Race

Aided by a strong tailwind and throngs of encouraging spectators. Will Rodgers took command of the 79th running of the Boston Marathon at the Wellesley checkpoint and sped to a record-breaking victory yesterday, winning in the phenomenal time of 2 hours 9 minutes and 55 seconds.

Rodgers, a favorite from the Boston area, broke Ron Hill's 1970 time by 35 seconds, and outdistanced his nearest competitor, Steve Hoag, by almost two minutes.

Liane Winter, the favorite woman runner, lived up to pre-race expectations as she led the pack of some 50 women participants across the finish line in the strong time of 2:42:33.

A number of Harvard affiliates turned in strong performances, led by former Crimson sports editor Ben Beach, who broke the tape in the fine time of 2:34:36, Bill Kraus '77 ran the 26-mile, 385-yard course in a clocking of 2:36.

Jim Lavin '77 of Kirkland House, who finished in a time of 3:12, said yesterday. "I was going along fine until just after Heartbreak Hill and then I faded badly. I'll be gunning for under three hours next time out."


Steve London, a nonresident tutor in Quincy House, beat his anticipated time by almost 15 minutes, dashing to an excellent 2:46, an average of 6 minutes and 24 seconds per mile.

Greg Schell '76 of Leverett House also did a fine job, beating the three-and-one-half-hour mark by 16 minutes.

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