
Boy Scouts, Radicals To Open Bicentennial

A volley of parades, pageantry, and mass demonstrations in three townships will signal the opening of American Bicentennial celebrations this weekend.

A caravan will leave Cambridge Common at 10 p.m. tonight for the People's Bicentennial Commission's demonstration at the Concord Bridge. The program from midnight to morning will include appearances by Ario Guthric. Pete Seeger '40, Dr. Barry Commoner, and George Wald, Higgins Professor of Biology.

A speech by President Ford and a re-enactment of the Concord skirmish--with Boy Scouts dressing up as Redcoats--will highlight official festivities at the bridge Saturday morning. A similar re-enactment will be observed in Lexington.

Hanging Ceremony

Ford will also appear at a lantern-hanging ceremony tonight at 8 p.m. at Old North Church. The Revolutionary Student Brigade will stage a demonstration against Ford beginning at 6 p.m. on Park St.


In Cambridge a parade will march from the Old Superior Courthouse on Otia St. at 8:30 a.m. Saturday to the dedication of the William Dawes memorial on the Cambridge Common.

Harvard will commemorate the occasion with special exhibits at the Fogg Museum and in the Widener rotunda.

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