About 50 of the 131 freshmen assigned to Radcliffe Houses they listed as one of their last three choices voted unanimously last night to demand from the administration "absolute assurance" of transferral to a River House by their junior year.
The students drew up a proposal recommending that the entire group be housed in the Yard next year as part of a "long term equalizing procedure" outlined in the Staunch Report.
Daniel Gale '78, who organized last night's meeting, said that placement in the Yard of all sophomores who were assigned to one of their last three House choices, would be a gradual change toward implementing the proposal made by the Harvard Overseers' Visiting Committee to house all freshmen in the Quadrangle Houses.
The proposal will be presented today at a meeting of a CHUL subcommittee, organized to consider transfer policy for freshmen dissatisfied with their House assignments.
The group devised a priority system for moving students into the River Houses and Yard dormitories. According to this system, those who were assigned to Radcliffe Houses for their freshman year would be transferred first, followed by freshmen who live in the Yard, who would receive greater preference the lower the choice number of the House to which they were assigned.
The statement requests that the Office of Housing hold several places in a House, rather than assigning students individually, so that rooming groups would avoid being split during transfer.
The 131 freshmen who were assigned to one of their last three House choices represent 8.8 per cent of the Class of 1978.
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