Aside from number one singles player Brenda Schafer. Brandeis didn't have much of a line up to throw at the powerful Radcliffe tennis squad yesterday. Schafer won her match, but that was all Brandeis could muster as Radcliffe swept the other four for a 4-1 victory in Waltham.
Brandeis is playing this spring without its top doubles team of Romi Yellin and Reid Hardenburgh, the defending Greater Boston champions. Yellin is currently competing in the women's national ping pong championships in Colorado and will be featured on the softball diamond instead of the tennis courts when she returns to Waltham.
Hardenburgh is also taking the spring tennis season off, but both should be back again next fall. In the meantime. Radcliffe's doubles teams of Rita Funaro and Suki Magraw as well as Maude wood and Anne Kaufman had an easy time of it.
Funaro and Magraw dumped Conny Montana and Amy Gruber 6-1, 6-0, while kaufman and wood shut out Bamby Groff and Valery Troyansky 6-0, 6-0.
In the singles matches Lissa Muscatine was sent against the talented Schafer and lost 6-1, 6-1. "Lissa played well teammate Denise Thal said yesterday, "but Brenda's one of the top players in New England."
Thal upended Debby Jacobsen 6-1, 6-7, 6-1 at the number two singles spot. "I just totally lost my concentration in the second set." She commented.
For Radcliffe's Ginny St. Goar yesterday's match was a reunion with her old teammates. St. Goar transferred from Brandeis, where she played number two, to Radcliffe and yesterday turned on Dina Aerenson for a 6-4, 7-5 victory.
"After Schafer," Thal summed up, "Brandeis was pretty weak."
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