
NSCAR Leaders Urge Support For Match Against Racism

Leaders of the National Student Coalition Against Racism called for massive student participation in the May 17 march in supported of desegregation of Boston schools during a press conference at the State House Tuesday.

"We call upon students from across the country to join us on May 17 in Boston to say no to racism and yet to equal opportunity for all children." Kathy Kelly, president of the National Student Association, said.

The demonstration, called by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to commemorate the twenty-first anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, will include a march from the Fenway to the Boston Common and a rally at the Common.

Kelly said that fighting racing in Boston schools is urgent because "the near success of those who would prevent integration of this city's schools has become a rallying point" for anti-busing forces in other cities.

Ray Sherbill, a coordinator of NSCAR, said that he expects between 50,000 and 100,000 people will come to Boston from all parts of the country for the march.


Student representatives from 147 colleges, 58 high schools and over 100 other organizations formed NSCAR after a National Student Conference Against Racism met last February at Boston University.
