
1976 Radcliffe Class Marshals Will Be Elected This Spring

The Radcliffe Class of '76 will elect senior class marshals this spring, a reversal of this year's experiment of holding elections together with Harvard class marshal elections in the fall, a Radcliffe administrator said yesterday.

Andronike E. Janus, assistant to President Horner for special projects, said she made the decision to return to the traditional separate elections because "the way they were handled this year was not satisfactory."

The four marshals, a class secretary and a class treasurer will be elected at the end of April, Janus said. The two Quadrangle and four River House representatives to the class committee may also be elected at that time.

This year's marshal elections, coordinated by Paul Goodof '71, associate secretary of the Associated Harvard Alumni, were not satisfactory because "not enough notice was given, there were too many ballots, and it was difficult to coordinate the voting," Janus said.

"Anything that went wrong for the women also went wrong for the men," she said.


Goodof said last night that he agreed that there was confusion in this year's balloting.

"It might be a good idea" to return to the traditional separate elections, he said.

Next year's Radcliffe senior class committee, though elected separately, will continue to work together with the Harvard senior class committee planning commencement activities, she said.

Janus said she preferred to hold the elections in the spring to give the marshals more time to plan class events during the year.

This year's marshals, who were elected with the Harvard marshals in November, had no time to plan anything more than the commencement activities, Janus said.
