
Freshmen Revive Traditional Jubilee; Set for May 9-11

A longstanding freshman tradition, the spring jubilee, will be revived during the spring reading period.

The jubilee, last held in 1969, is planned for the weekend of May 9, and will be run by the Freshman Council.

Alan D. Albert '78, president of the council, said yesterday that although plans for the weekend were still tentative, they include an evening cruise through Boston Harbor on Friday May 9, a barbecue on Saturday May 10, and a Casino Night in the freshman union that night.

Cash Bars

The cruise and the casino night will both have cash bars, and the cruise will have live bands on each of the boats, Albert said.


The activities will be open to upper-classmen, although they will probably be primarily "freshman-oriented," Albert said.

Plans for a large concert are also being considered for Sunday afternoon, but the council has "run into a lot of complications," he said.

The jubilee tradition was discontinued after 1969 because the council that year went several thousand dollars in debt, Albert said.

Programs in the past have included concerts by groups including Richie Havens, The Temptations, The Animals, and The Loving Spoonful.

Albert said he expects this year's jubilee to be completely self-supporting.
