
Harris Seeks Help For '76 Candidacy As 'New Populist'

Fred R. Harris former Democratic senator from Oklahoma, brought his campaign for the presidency to the Harvard Law School Forum last night seeking converts to his "New Populism" and promising to bring about a widespread diffusion of economic and political power" if elected.

Saying he sees in the 1976 election "a rare chance to make some basic economic and political change." Harris explained that he includes in his populist strategy a return of power to the people through progressive income taxes trust busting, and guaranteeing a job to every American who wants to work.

In his talk to a crowd of about 200. Harris gave top priority to price controls on monopolistic industries, the creation of public corporations to compete with big business and a tax cut of some $30 billion.

Harris also called for a commitment to "goals of great social importance: day care health care and mass transportation."

Harris who ran a sort lived campaign for the presidency in 1971 was among the first Democratic candidates to commit himself to the race for 1976.


He said in his address that his chances are much better this time because the issues he talked about in 1971 are "much more on people's minds and because he thinks the new presidential campaign funding law has cut the rush and the friends of the rich down to size.

In response to questions after his talk Harris made clear one of his first acts in office would be to look lot a new Secretary of State lambasting Henry A. Kissinger '50s policies in Cambodia, S. Vietnam the Middle East and Latin America.

The New Populist ended his appeal for support with a quote from an old Woodie Guthrie song. "This land this land is my land.

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