


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Edward Bernays has written a letter to you (February 5) in which he presumes to offer advice to President Bok. One cannot question Mr. Bernays's credentials in the field of public relations: one can indeed question the dubiousness of that whole approach, especially for an institution whose motto is veritas. The exposed interoffice memorandum that called forth this officious communication was misguided and, to at least one faculty member, embarrassing. As it happens, I have been on personal terms with Mr. Bok's three presidential predecessors, and--though I have had less occasion to see him--I have found him the most responsive and open of the four. I do not understand why an employee of his office much less one who is neither an alumnus nor a number of the faculty, should suggest--and thereby help to create--a kind of rift which seems far from evident to many of us who stand closer to the academic scene. If I presumed to offer any advice, it would simply be that Mr. Bok pay no attention to Mr. Bernays, fire some of his functionaries, and follow his own decent instincts. Harry Levin   Babbit Professor of Comp. Lit.
