

The biggie of the weekend will be the F. John Adams production of Mozart's Grand Mass in C minor. As usual, Adams has assembled a promising group of performers, including well-known local soloists, the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra, the Smith Glee Club, and F. John's own talented Harvard Glee Club. A Mozart chamber work will also be on that program--the sublimely beautiful clarinet quintet, played by a group which includes David Kass and HRO competition winner Lynn Chang. Good Mozart performances are rare, so this concert should be a rare pleasure.

On a slightly smaller scale, Gerald Moshell will take time off from Magic Flute rehearsals on Friday to join Marta Dabezies in two-piano works by Mozart and Schumann: also on Friday, Ronan Lefkowitz, Richard Kogan, and others will play music by Bach, Handel, and others.


Music for two pianos by Mozart and Schumann, and solo sonatas by Kirschner and Berg: Marta Dabezies and Gerald Moshell; Kirkland House JCR; 8:30.

Music of Bach, Handel, Soler, Chopin, at al.; Ronan Lefkowitz, violin, Craig Hogan, cello, Richard Kogan and Carlo Allen, piano, Michael Packer and David Kopp, harpsichord; Currier SCR; 8:30.



Mozart's Grand Mass in C-minor; Mary Sindonl, soprano, Beverly Morgan, mezzo-soprano, Frank Hoffmeister, tenor, David Evitts, bass, Harvard Glee Club, Smith Glee Club, HRO, F. John Adams, conductor; Mozart's Clarinet Quintet; David Kass, clarinet, Lynn Chang, violin, Kypros Markou, violin, William Eilberg, viola, and Craig Hogan, cello; Sanders Theater; 8:30; $5,4,3,2.

Music for Woodwind Quintet; Norman Letvin, Carol Rand, Frank Selvin, Michael Tabak, Cyrus Stewart, and Carl Schialkjer; Eliot Library; 8:30.

Music of Bach, Schubert, Chopin, and Ravel; Boaz Sharon, pianist; Adams House LCR; 8:30.


The Cambridge Symphonie Brass Ensemble: Holmes Living Room; 8:30.

Schumann's Kreiseleriania, Music in G by Hugo Horden, and Odeur (lamar) by Thomas Orowan; Thomas Orowan, pianist; Mather Dining Hall; 2:00.


Perspectives on Stravinsky--a lecture-demonstration by B.U. professor David Camey; Adams House LCR; 8:00.

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