
Adams House Panel Votes to Continue Boycott of CRR

The Adams House committee voted unanimously last night to continue its boycott of Committee on Rights and Responsibilities.

Muliufi Hannemann '76, chairman of Adams House committee, said last night the committee members voted not to nominate student representatives to the CRR because they agreed with the objections to the CRR voiced by other House committees in upholding the boycott.

The Adams committee also voted to send two representatives to a meeting tonight organized by Dunster House to draft proposals to reform the CRR.

Adams House is the sixth House this year to decide to boycott the CRR, following similar decisions last week by Dunster, Kirkland, Mather, North and Quincy.

The Faculty established the CRR after the 1969 student occupation of University Hall as a student-Faculty body to discipline students involved in political protests. Student members resigned from the committee in 1970, beginning the five-year boycott.


In 1971, the Faculty revised the CRR's charter, but made student members a minority on the committee and eliminated procedures that protected students' rights. Since then, Houses have refused to nominate students to serve on the CRR.

The Dunster House committee last week asked other House committees to send representatives to a meeting tonight to draft "positive proposals" to change the CRR's composition and procedures.

Tomorrow, Winthrop House will hold a referendum on the CRR boycott
