
Restic Rumored in Running for Helm of Jets

Football coach Joe Restic yesterday continued to be the subject of rumors that cast in doubt his status as the Crimson's mentor next season. The latest had him packing to the Big Apple as the head coach of the New York Jets.

The vacancy at Shea was created in the middle of this season when Coach Charlie Winner was sacked after the Jets went into a seven game tailspin. Winner was tentatively replaced by defensive coordinator Ken Shipp.

The news of Restic's possible departure for New York was aired over radio WBZ yesterday by sports mogul Guy Mainella on his sporting touchstone "Calling All Sports."

Restic refused to take a public stance on the imbroglio that surrounded him and was reticent about discussing any ties between himself and the Jets. When asked if he had received feelers from the Jets' management, Restic replied, "No comment."

However, last night the Associated Press reported Restic as saying, "I'm not a candidate for anything. I just take things as they come," adding, "I won't confirm or deny any rumors because I'm not responsible for them."


Mainella revealed that Restic is believed to have been introduced by New England Patriots's owner William Wullivan to the chairman of the Jets, Phil Iselin, on December 7, while the Jets were pitted in a slugfest for the division cellar with the Pats.

Mainella said that since then there have been meetings and at least telephone calls between the two.

When contacted last night at his New York home and asked about Mainella's broadcast, Iselin said, "I never saw him [Restic] and I never met him."

Iselin also said, that "to my knowledge" Restic is not in the running for the top spot at the Jets.

The future of Restic's position at Harvard's helm was first questioned last week when Colgate University was reportedly considering him for a dual role as head coach and possibly the college's athletic director.

Colgate's coaching vacancy opened up when Neil Wheelwright recently opted to move on to Holy Cross. Restic molded the Red Raider's offense from 1959-62, rising to offensive coordinator, before moving to Harvard.

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