
Harvard's Holiday Woes

HSA's Air Flights Not Hit by Strike

The airline strikes will not affect any of the Harvard Student Agency's chartered flights because HSA has no flights booked with United or National Airlines, an HSA spokesman said yesterday.

All HSA flights will leave as scheduled, William B. Danner '78, HSA assistant manager in charge of travel, said.

The strikes have disrupted the Christmas travel plans of many Harvard students, forcing them to re-schedule their departure from Cambridge.

Danner said that there was a rush of students who had United and National reservations and were attempting to change to the HSA flights. However, nothing could be done for these students.

"The flights have been filled for almost a month and our waiting lists are long," Danner said.


The strike has made other airlines "twice as busy as they have ever been," Paul M. McPerry, supervisor of reservations for American Airlines, said yesterday. This overcrowding has forced some students to leave on earlier or later flights.

The two unrelated strikes promise to continue until at least Christmas according to several airline spokesman. The National Airlines flight attendant's strike may end December 24, an airline spokesman said.
