
Princeton Train Arrives Today Carrying Few Undergraduates

The Orange, Black and Crimson Express will roll into South Station at noon today with approximately 480 Princeton alumni and 40 undergraduates aboard, and it will cost the Princeton sophomore, junior and senior class committees approximately $2400, James P. Kelly, vice chairman of the Princeton student government, said yesterday.

As of yesterday, the three Princeton classes had sold only 40 of the 150 student seats they bought from the alumni sponsored train for $3600, Kelly said.

The $23 ticket covers round-trip trainfare, three meals aboard the train, bus transportation to Soldier's Field, music by some Princeton band members and singing groups, football movies, and a cash bar.

The Beautiful and Damned

It seemed like "an F. Scott Fitzgerald thing to do," Kelly said when he explained why the classes decided to buy the cars.


He said there was not enough student response to pay back the initial investment and that the three class committees will have to make up the difference.

"A day trip is not what a student is interested in," he said. "Day trips are more suitable to the schedules of businessmen and alumni and one football game is pretty much like another."

Richard Grove, freshman class president at Princeton, said yesterday, "They bought the cars three weeks ago when Princeton was undefeated and supposedly contending for the Ivy title. He added that the "interest in football has declined since Princton's last three losses to Penn, Brown and Colgate."

The Princton freshman class sponsored a bus to Harvard.

"I did not want to risk the money because I felt that not enough people would be able to afford $23 for a day trip, Grove said.

He added that freshman taking the bus will have more free time since they will arrive about 11 a.m. and will leave at approximately 7 p.m.
