It seems that everyone is sick these days. I know I am, with something that feels like a combination of Beri-beri and double pneumonia. Which is why I haven't been to any of the exhibits I'm talking about this week. Some of the names and titles sound interesting though, and are probably worth a visit.
Max Ernst opens at the Busch-Reisinger on Wednesday.
Carpenter Center is showing an exhibit on the "graphic design of record packaging," called "Art of the Twelve Inch Squares." Oct. 18-Nov. 9.
Ten Arrow Gallery, 10 Arrow St. is exhibiting "Wearables"--handmade jackets, vests, skirts, etc. through Oct. 31.
There's a new exhibit opening Sunday, at the Decordova Museum, which is a beautiful place out in Lincoln. The new show is called "Candid Painting" and there'll be a reception for it on Sunday afternoon, with sherry served from 3-5.
Japanese Woodblock prints at the Law School Library and Modern Japanese Prints from the Art/Asia Gallery at 17 Quincy St., which is a nice house to look at even though Derek Bok didn't want to live there.
I hope I feel better next week.
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