To the Editors of The Crimson:
With regard to the article on abortion in the registration issue of the Crimson, I would like to point out that Room 13, Student to Student, (which is, by the way, responsible for the distribution of the "Yale Guide to Sex on Campus") is well equipped to provide information and referrals on the subject of birth control and abortion to Harvard-Radcliffe students and their partners. We are also very willing to listen to and talk with anyone who wants to clarify and express his/her feelings on these and any other matters. We are all students, supervised by counselors at UHS and the Bureau of Study Counsel (including Ann Bisbee, whom you mentioned in your article.) In addition, we have met with representatives of the Massachusetts Planned Parenthood League to round out our knowledge of resources available in this area. Ruth Karen Salzman Co-Director, Room 13
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