

Lolita. I've always wanted to see this ambitious version of the Nabokov novel, a film that doesn't get around much and that most people like a lot. Kubrick hasn't made very many films (this is one of his early ones), and whatever one thinks of 2001 or Clockwork Orange, he's always managed to come up with pictures really worth confronting. His range is phenomenal: he gave us the mythical war room of the Pentagon in Strangelove, for instance, and he was the first to visualize it for us. Now we take it for granted that generals plot in blinking chambers like that, with a giant map of the world that's laid out like a game of Risk. And there was Paths of Glory and Spartacus--really an amazing bunch of movies, like them or not. Now he's apparently working in Ireland on a version of the Thackeray novel, Barry Lyndon. Lolita stars James Mason as Humbert Humbert and Sue Lyon as the nymphet.

Triumph of the Will. Hitler's official filmmaker Leni Reifenstahl made this of the 1934 Nuremberg Party Rally, before she made the '36 Olympic films. The Welles is billing it as "the movie that made Adolph Hitler a star!" Worth seeing, but not recommended if you were among the L.Z. crowd at the Garden Monday night.

Harold and Maude. A great box office success, presumably because of group of semi-zombies each saw the thing 350 times. With music by the didactic Cat Stevens.

Rush to Judgement. An assassination-conspiracy film, the sort of thing that's moving into the mainstream after Cock-burn's Harper's article on the "second gun" theory (which according to my foremost paranoid contact--who was bursting with 'I told you so's'--wasn't considered that good by experts). This one is on the Warren Commission, made by Mark Lane and the same Emilio De Antonio who made In The Year of the Pig and Milhous. At B.U.'s Sherman Auditorium Sunday night at 8 p.m. Lane will be there to show more footage and discuss the film.

Speaking of paranoia (and with these assassination things it's usually not that the fanatics are more paranoid than the rest of us-only that they bother to study the cases). Anyway, one rumor that's been floating around is that reading period is so short and to the point this year because the administration is trying to alleviate the housing shortage for next term. Get the connection?


Singin' in the Rain. Far out.
