


To the Editors of The Crimson:

The discussion of our ticket manager Gordon Page in your supplement article on January 15 might lead some the Harvard community to misconceptions concerning his performance of football ticket distribution and I'd like to set the record straight. Gordon has a rating of 10 on the Richter Scale of integrity and has made many friends during his years of service. Many of these friends do present him with "holiday gifts," but it has nothing to do with any person getting preferential treatment to any Harvard athletic contest and Gordon would be personally insulted if anyone attempted to buy him. Because of his honesty, friendly manner and fairness, Gordon is one of the department's most valuable assets. Dave Matthews   Sports Information Director

I'm happy to accept Matthews's assessment of Page. My article simply said that he receives liquor at Christmas from people for whom he has obtained coveted tickets. I was not trying to imply that there was a quid pro quo at work; if anything, the passage implied the opposite, that Page does not solicit or expect the gifts, because, as the article noted, he does not drink.   --Scott Kaufer
