

The Fogg has opened an exhibit on the second floor of Chinese jade--originally, I believe, part of the Grenville Winthrop bequest. The Chinese call jade "The Stone of Heaven," but I'm afraid the Fogg show takes too scholarly an approach--I got the feeling that, unless you're a collector, the notes on the show and the catalogue would not be of much interest. But the stone, regardless of what is done to it, is still beautiful, so go and see the show for that.

The Museum of Fine Arts is, in its own words, "Providing Easterners with a rare look at this country's Far Western heritage." I will refrain from a snide comment that it's high time the Eastern Seaboard realized that heritage does exist West of the Rockies, but I can't comment on "Frontier America: The Far West" because I haven't gotten over to see it yet. The exhibit is the first of the MFA's bicentennial program, and includes household objects, drawings, paintings and photographs.
