

Too True to Be Good is very fine Shaw, all the better because it's well-performed. Despite the epigrammatic title, it's less flippant than some of Shaw and definitely worth seeing in the generally excellent production by Canada's Shaw Festival group. At the Loeb through September 29.

The Southern Route is a new play about an immense traffic jam. Whatever you think about the Kennedy Library, it might be worth checking out. The play had its "grand opening" yesterday at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church, 1151 Mass. Ave, and will be there for about six weeks. Thurs, Fri and Sat at 9 p.m. $2.50--$3.50. This weekend, there'll be parties after the performance.

Theater in Boston is rarely exciting, but until more productions open at the universities in the area it's a question of that or nothing. Moonchildren, at the Charles Playhouse on Warrenton Street, isn't bad at all, but you're liable to find the rest of the audience consists of busloads of high school kids.

Lady Audley's Secret takes flight from the Victorian potboiler of the same name and soars into satiric absurdity, complete with off-key arias. Uneven but interesting. At the Wilbur.

The Proposition, Boston's longest run, is on strike this week, and there's been more theatre on the sidewalk than inside, where a scab production has been put together.
