
Rouillard Becomes Official B&G Head

Paul R. Rouillard Jr., acting director of the Department of Buildings and Grounds since last October, has been made the department's permanent director effective July 1. Rouillard succeeds William Murphy, who resigned as director last September.

Rouillard has worked in B&G for two years. He began as manager of Central Services, a B&G division, and had been one of Murphy's "top-line men," Stephen S.J. Hall, administrative vice president, said yesterday.

Hall said that Rouillard is "good at what I felt was B&G's big weakness, communication with the Harvard community." He added, "B&G had heretofore been an autocratic organization, it was too autonomous."

In dealing with the problem of communication, Hall said, Rouillard has put B&G on a one-to-one relationship with the faculty.

Rouillard is working towards decentralization by introducing an "area concept," Hall also said. According to this plan tradesmen will be assigned to specific areas with which they are familiar.


Hall said that Rouillard has "exceeded our expectation" in the reorganization he has done. "As we watched him developing we came to the conclusion we should not handicap him with the term 'acting' anymore," he said.

Rouillard, who is serving in the National Guard for two weeks, was not available for comment.
