
Anne Peretz Resigns Position As Co-Master of South House

Anne L. Peretz resigned this week from her position as co-master of South House, stating that she did not have the time to adequately do the job. Her husband, Martin H. Peretz, will remain as master of the House.

Anne Peretz said yesterday that she prefers to devote her time to her work with psychotherapy and painting. "I'm not really an academic," she said. "I'm not involved in the University."

She said that she did not want to do the job if she could not do it well and that she did not enjoy the meetings and paperwork which the job entailed. Peretz said the part she liked most about her position was meeting students, but that "the master system isn't conducive to close contact with students."

She said, however, that she plans to keep in touch with the House and its residents.

The Peretzes were both appointed in June, 1972. Martin Peretz said yesterday that since his appointment was in no way contingent upon his wife's appointment as co-master, his position will not be affected by her resignation.


Anne Peretz said that her husband will perform some of her former duties in the House but other people in the house will also take up some of the slack. She said that she actually has been doing very little in the House for the past few months.

Martin Peretz agreed that his wife's resignation, while adding to his work, will not put an unmanageable burden on him, especially because he will not be teaching next year and will have more time for his work in South House.

Nancey E. T off '76, co-chairman of the South House Committee, said yesterday that some people in the House were upset with Anne last year because they felt that she was inaccessible.

Toff also said that she feared that Anne's resignation might create some problems in the House.
