
Boxers Pound Through Finals

Results Prove Value of a Strong Finish

Yesterday's finals in intramural boxing proved it's not who gets there firstest with the mostest, but who takes the mostest for the longest.

In the 130 lb. class, "Gentleman" James Chiarkas of Lowell House seemed a sure win over Winthrop's Mike "Marathon" Bernick in the first round. By the third round, Chiarkas' jitterbug had slowed to a waltz, but he mustered a surprise left hook that just barely gave him the decision.

Dudley's John "Cactus Juice" Carpenter, the Arizona Gila monster, couldn't seem to get around Marcus William's long left jab in the first round. Nor in the second. In the third round, he gained his mobility and a victory, by a single point, for the 145 lb. championship.

The fight of the day was between Wilbur "Cool Breeze" McClarnon of Lowell and Alan Bozer of Adams. The "Cool Breeze" blew away Bozer's first round effort. Coming back, Bozer scored a knockdown in the second round which took the wind out of McClarnon's attack.

The third round ended in a draw, Bozer landing the blockbusters, and McClarnon just landing. They shared the 155 lb. title.


Tom Hocker of Leverett entered a plea of 'nolo contendere' and defaulted the 165 lb. championship to George Haywood of Leverett, who found this out while waiting in the ring.

Leverett's William Keenan and John Keough won the 175 lb. and 185 lb. categories, respectively uncontested.

The fight for the heavy 'unlimited' weight championship was a fitting climax and final proof of the stamina theory. John Dorfman of Eliot House came out cooking in the first round, roasting Hardy Wiedemann of Adams House. Wiedemann doused the fire in the second round and at the end, Dorfman wobbled back to his corner on rubber legs.

The last round saw two exhausted fighters and the knock-out that gave Wiedemann the unlimited weight championship.
