


To the Editors of the Crimson:

The Crimson's editorial "Unending Terror" may indeed be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If reputable organs such as The Crimson continue to consider Palestinian savagery as "just responding," then no end to the terror may ever be in sight. Until the Arab world and its allies realize that the massacre of school children and other such acts are nothing more than expressions of the fanatical self-destructiveness of Palestinian terrorists crazed by hyperbolic ideology, then we can hope to see little progress in the area. When reputable Arab groups and governments recognize this problem and decide to stop giving the terrorists the free rein they require to operate, then terrorism may be curbed as it was in Jordan, and the immediate problem solved. Only then will Israel be prepared to sit down and resolve the more basic problems.

There are two kinds of revolutionaries: those truly committed to the ideals of peace and freedom, and those whose only impulse is to destroy, murder, and plunder. The Palestinian terrorists belong to this second group--under the cover of revolutionary jargon they commit atrocities reminiscent of those committed against the Jewish People by another group of degenerative revolutionaries--the Nazis. To equate Israel's punitive and deterrent raids with the nazi-like bestiality of Palestinian terrorists is patently ridiculous. Though the loss to humanity may be similar, there is a true difference in the aims, rationality, and justification of such divergent acts. Steve Adelman '74
