
Harvard-Yale Regatta Features 'Cliffe For First Time in 122-Year History

Radcliffe will lead off the program in the Harvard-Yale regatta Saturday. This will be the second time in the 122-year history of the Harvard-Yale boat race that the event will be on the Charles, and the first time that women will compete in the regatta.

One would think that the Elis would plead nolo contendere before daring to challenge Radcliffe again. The two crews have already met twice this season. Radcliffe defeated the Blue by a scant two seats in its season opener, and then trounced the Bulldogs by open water in last week's Sprints. But tomorrow things could be different.

Yale will have the added impetus of two of their best powers who were ineligible last week because of their graduate student status. With its new strength, Yale really thinks it can get by the 'Cliffe.

Another factor might be the new race course. Instead of the usual Charles Basin course the race will start near the Northeastern boathouse and finish just before the Weeks Bridge.

An additional sidelight will be that Yale will bet shirts with Radcliffe for the first time this year. "We're really gonna get 'em," said Captain Connie G. Cervilla.
