To the Editor of The Crimson:
In the May 13 edition of The Crimson you give "coverage" to a demonstration on Saturday, May 11, called by the Committee to Defend the Endangered Chilean Militants by running a photograph which portrays the event as a carnival.
The childishness of this kind of humor is overshadowed only by its morbidity. This spring thousands of opponents of the Chilean Junta are facing secret trials and executions. This raises to prime importance the placing of immediate international pressure on the Junta by the working class. The Crimson's response is to wallow in self-complacent irony.
You owe an apology for your flippancy first and foremost to those who are suffering and dying under the gun of General Pinochet, and also to those who sponsored and participated in this small but important demonstration: Cambridge Tenants Organizing Committee, Haitian Action Committee, Harvard-Radcliffe La Raza, Indochina Peace Campaign (Boston), MECHA, Revolutionary Communist League (Internationalist), Revolutionary Communist Youth, Spartacist League, and Youth Against War and Fascism. Keith Anderson The Spartacist League
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