
Crimson J.V.s, Frosh, Go After Sprints Titles

The Crimson J.V. boat rates high on the unsung heroes list this year; the crew is fast enough to race with any varsity crew in the country and will probably be far enough ahead at the finish line tomorrow so the rest of the field will need binoculars.

There is little indication of the strength of the Wisconsin second boat, however, and last year over much the same boat Harvard managed only a two-second victory.

Nevertheless, the event of the afternoon may well be the frosh heavies, a race in which Harvard, Yale, Navy and Cornell all bring only one defeat to the race.

It goes like this; Navy beat Yale, Cornell beat Navy, Yale beat Cornell, and Navy beat Harvard. No crew downed any other crew by a great margin so it's anybody's race.

"No, we won't do anything different Saturday," frosh coach Ted Washburn said yesterday. "We'll just try to go faster than we have all season and hope its fast enough."


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