Nearly 150 graduate students have applied for positions as resident tutors in Currier House, Suzanne Nelson, Currier House secretary, said yesterday.
Nelson said she expected the House would have openings for one married couple and six single resident tutors next year.
The House has encouraged in its advertisements in the Crimson that students in government and economics apply for the posts. As a result, most of the applications came from students in the social sciences; the fewest came from students in the humanities.
Unlike the tutor selection process in most Houses, where the masters choose the House tutors, tutors in Currier House are chosen by a student committee and subject to approval of the co-masters.
For the first time, the tutor selection committee will review those present tutors that wish to remain in Currier for another year. In the past, tutors were allowed to remain without a review.
Michael S. Horn, non-resident senior tutor of Currier, and his wife Nancy Kleckner '68 will move into one of the two vacated married tutor apartments next fall, Nelson said yesterday.
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