
Bicentennial Group To Demonstrate For Tax Equities

The Massachusetts People's Bicentennial Coalition will hold a "town meeting" at Faneuil Hall this morning at 11 a.m. to call for a restructuring of federal and state tax laws.

A march to the Internal Revenue Service Office at the Government Center Plaza will follow the taxpayers' meeting. Spokesmen for the bicentennial coalitions say that citizens will demand tax credit for donation of their "personal papers" to the government.

Speakers at Faneuil Hall will include Tom Stanton, who headed Ralph Nader's Tax Reform Research Group and Nick Jones, New England coordinator for the United Farm Workers AFL-CIO.

A "counter" tea party, organized by the bicentennial committee last December 15 to demonstrate against President Nixon and preferential treatment to the major oil companies drew close to 10,000 people.


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