
Four Radcliffe Women Win Top Spots In Harvard Dramatic Club Elections

For the first time in the organization's 15-year history, four women won the top four elected positions of the Harvard Dramatic Club last Saturday.

"The fact that all the officers are women is important because the drama club is one of the few where women have taken a significant leading role," Karen D. Gordon '75 of Dunster House, the newly elected president, said yesterday.

The dramatic club is 70 per cent male and the new officers replace four Harvard students.

The other three new officers are Mary S. Mead '75 of Quincy House, secretary in charge of the experimental theatre; Rebecca Goldman '76, recording secretary; and Eden Lee Murray '75 of North House, corresponding secretary.

Gordon is only the second woman to occupy the presidency of the 114-member club. Eleanor V. Lindsay '71 was president during 1970-71 term.


The four women join five men on the club's executive board, which is charged with regulating undergraduate use of the mainstage and the experimental theatre of the Loeb Drama Center.

The immediate tasks of the new executive board include assigning the experimental theatre slots for spring and the mainstage slots for the 1974-75 season.
