
Expos Office Offers Juniors, Seniors Non-Credit Course to Improve Writing

The expository writing office is setting up a non-credit tutoring program for juniors and seniors who want help with their writing.

Hugh McKay, head sectionman for expository writing, said yesterday that the department has had a large number of upperclassmen coming in for help. "It seemed to us that we should do something about it," McKay said.

Small Groups

He said that the department will probably offer small discussion groups, since "juniors and seniors should be sophisticated enough to help each other," but that he would not decide on the final structure of the program until he determines the amount of student response.

He added that the program will be an extension of the freshman tutorial program, instituted by the expository writing office last fall term.


Freshman Counseling

Under the new program, a freshman who needs additional help can receive an extra hour a week of individual counseling on his writing if his instructor advises it.

This counseling was a response to the lack of preparation minority group and foreign students have for writing academic prose, McKay said.

However, the program for upperclassmen will meet different needs. "It will help juniors brush up on their writing if they want to write theses, and seniors will be able to pick up a necessary skill before they enter the cruel world," he said.

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