To The Editors of The Crimson:
Exactly where is Mr. Ferrara (Crimson, Oct. 31) getting his information about the UFW? Virtually all of his "facts" seem to be taken from interviews with unidentified "farmworkers" conducted by anonymous "interviewers," held at some unspecified point in time. One look at the "sources" he constantly quotes reveals how reliable his information is: "One Washington columnist wrote..."; " a secret memorandum of agreement..."; "...a worker reported..."; "...another worker reported..."; "in a personal interview, one worker said..."; "...three workers who had filed suit against Cesar reported..."; "...other workers reported..."; " worker said..."; "...many farmworkers also complained..."; " woman who had worked 16 years in the fields described..."; "one worker who showed his income tax returns to a reporter..."; "Giorgio Aglipay ["a farmworker"]...reported..."; " farmworker told Dr. Paul Gaston..."; "one grape picker explained..." I have one question: why is the Crimson publishing this sort of crap? Kathleen Finn Teaching Fellow, Department of Psychology and Social Relations
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