Old Times, one of Harold Pinter's journey's into the spaces between words and the spaces between people, is at the Loeb Ex this weekend. Like most of Pinter, it doesn't offer what many theater-goers consider the chief rewards of drama--confrontation, character development, eloquence. Pinter's meanings are usually clear and worth discovering, but sometimes his plays sag. If the cast and director bring subtlety and understated power to the production, though, it can hardly lose. Tonight, Fri and Sat at 7:30 p.m.
Philadelphia, Here I Come! is about Irish immigration to the U.S., not quite in the way Oscar Handlin might treat it. But, as the play's ad campaign says, it is not a musical, and that's something to be thankful for. At the Leverett Old Library tonight, Fri and Sat at 8 p.m., $2.
Lenny. Julian Barry's loving adaptation of the life and thought of Lenny Bruce opened Tuesday after a successful run in New York. Lenny's still very funny, of course, though you won't be shocked. Tues-Fri at 8 p.m., Sat at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. At the Charles Playhouse in Boston.
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