

If accurately reproduces the sadism and repressed sexuality and pointlessness of English public school life, but fails to give us the class connections which inform them (like Orwell's Such, Such Were The Joys, say, did). And the movie dissolves into ponderous surrealistic fantasies near the end. With Malcolm MacDowell, directed by Lindsay Anderson, who more recently was guilty of O Lucky Man!

Young Mr. Lincoln is the second of some 14 John Ford films being shown this fall at the Harvard-Epworth Church. This one, made in 1939 with Henry Fonda, concentrates on Lincoln before he launched his political career.

The Long Goodbye. What with Robert Altman speaking at Tufts tonight, this showing, paired with Altman's Brewster McCloud, supplies a good chance to see the director's two most controversial films.

The Thirty-Nine Steps stars Robert Donat and is Hitchcock circa '35.
