
Six H.U. Police Are Assaulted Near Stadium

One University Police officer was hospitalized and five other officers were injured as a result of disturbances at Harvard Stadium during the football game on Saturday. The Boston Police arrested four persons.

The hospitalized officer, Thomas Simas, is in Stillman Infirmary recovering from what his doctor said are "bad bruises and contusions."

Simas said he was assaulted from behind and pushed down a flight of stairs in the stadium.

Fights in the Stadium

University Police said that fights erupted in the stadium and in the surrounding athletic field areas during and after the game.


However, University Police will not release further details until this morning when they compile their reports on the disturbances.

Stephen S.J. Hall, vice president for Administrative Affairs, said that the disturbances climaxed a growing number of minor crimes committed in the stadium. He said the incidents were "extremely regrettable" and that he is working with University Police to increase security in the stadium.

More than 33,000 persons jammed the stadium Saturday. Many were employees and their families who were taking part in Harvard Employee Day festivities.

Boston Police said that of the four arrests made after the game, two were for destruction of property exceeding $100 in damage. One was for disorderly conduct and trespassing, and the fourth was for disorderly conduct.
