
Backers and Foes Of Forced Busing Rally in Boston

Opponents and supporters of busing held rallies in Boston on Saturday.

About 1200 people attended an anti busing demonstration at Kelly Field in southwest Boston. They heard speeches by School Committee Chairman John Kerrigan and State Rep. Raymond Flynn (D-Boston).

Supporters March

More than 500 supporters of busing marched from Copley Square through downtown Boston yesterday, chanting "No more Kerrigan, no more Hicks, no more racists' rocks and bricks," and "Stop the racist attacks against black schoolchildren."

After stopping briefly in front of the School Committee building, the marchers continued to the Boston Common, where about 200 remained to hear speeches by representatives of the African Liberation Support Committee, the Hennigan Community School and the Center for United Labor Action (CULA).


"We've got to show the people of the racist mobilization that they don't own the streets and they don't own South Boston," CULA spokesman Frank Neisser said.

John Kenny, a Hennigan Community School parent, said, "We need to insure that our city provides a good education to all our children, which it has not done up to now."

The march was organized by Greater Boston Tenants Against Racism.
