

More Stately Mansions is among Eugene O'Neill's best voyages into the entrails of possessiveness, guilt and morbid neuroticism. The first big Harvard Dramatic Club production of the year will open at the Loeb tonight at 8 p.m. and play through Sunday, and again October 23-6.

Chee-Chee is hardly Pirandello's most famous play, but the acute intelligence and peculiar world-view of the man who wrote Six Characters in Search of An Author are still evident. Pirandello practically started the whole obsession with appearance-and-reality in modern drama, and this is the kind of play--a rarely performed piece by a great playwright--that the Loeb Ex is best for. At the Ex this Friday through Sunday at 8 p.m., as well as next weekend.

The Laughing Stock continues to present political satire in an underground club appropriately names The Grotto at 96 Winthrop St. The show was written by the same fellow who came up with The Proposition five years ago, but unlike his earlier show, Laughing Stock contains little or no improvisation. It does, however, have the most complicated schedule of any dramatic production in Boston; Tues-Thurs. at 8, Fri. at 7:30 and 9:30, Sat. at 8 and 10, and Sunday at 8.

Tall Kings and Short Subjects just about stretches the limits of mind to their utmost. Most of the pieces are pretty good, and if you have any sympathy for the art at all, they're probably worth seeing at the Church of the Covenant, 67 Newbury St. in Boston, Thurs-Fri, at 8:30, Sat. at 7:15 and 9:30.
