University-wide committee is making a preliminary assessment on whether to study proposals to coordinate the calendars of the nine separate University faculties.
Robert E. Keeton, Professor of Law, and chairman of the new committee, said yesterday, "We have a very limited charge. We're to determine whether or not it's worth the effort to make a full investigation of calendar reform, given the needs and maneuverability of each of the separate faculties."
The committee, whose appointment was not officially announced, has met three times since December 1. It expects to make a recommendation within the next two weeks, Keeton said.
The committee is made up of about ten people, representing each of the University's nine faculties. It was formed on a recommendation by the Council of Deans in mid-November.
Keeton refused to release the names of the committee members, and Bok said he had forgotten their names and didn't have time to look for them in his files.
President Bok in September called for a major study of calendar reform.
Bok said yesterday, "We first need to have a sense of our own flexibility. If we feel there is enough interest and opportunity for harmonization, a further investigation will be warranted."
Keeton added, "If the committee recommends further study, the question of an early semester schedule [beginning classes on Labor Day and finishing Fall Term exams before Christmas] for the college may be revived as well."
As the calendar currently stands, schedules among the different faculties often clash, making cross-registration difficult.
NO MIT Representative
Although cross-registration between Harvard and MIT does exist, MIT has no representatives on the committee.
President Bok said that MIT will not participate until Harvard has made a decision to go ahead with full-scale consideration of calendar coordination.
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