TOWNES VAN ZANDT--The best thing about Townes Van Zandt is his name. They should name a city after him just so you could see that name on signs and post offices. His style reminds me of Spider John Kerner, mostly because I don't like it. But fans of pretty good guitar playing, a sincere, if somewhat marble-mouthed voice, and Nashville's combination of James Taylor and white blues will.
EDDIE KENDRICKS--I once thought of moving to Philadelphia because someone told me that Phillie radio plays David Ruffin all the time. When Ruffin left the Temptations, I figured their die was cast. Now Kendricks has split, and the chief consolation is that he intends to continue performing on his own. All the striking falsettos in the Temp's harmonies were his.
FOLK FESTIVAL--Peter Johnson's roster this week is impressive: Coster, Welling, and Wollack, an old-time string band with a prize-winning fiddler; John Kolstad, a bluesman who traces his roots to Robert Johnson; and Mike Turk, reportedly a fine harmonica man. --P.M.S.
TOWNES VAN ZANDT--Through Sun. Jan. 27 at Passim. Call 492-7679 for info.
EDDIE KENDRICKS--Though Sun. Jan. 27 at Sugar Shack, 10 p.m. and 1 a.m.
FOLK FESTIVAL--Sat. Jan. 26 at St. Paul's School, 28 Mt. Auburn St., 8 p.m., $2. Party afterwards.
JONATHAN EDWARDS--Through Sat. Jan. 26 at The Performance Center. Call 876-4531 for info.
COUNTRY GAZETTE--Tonight at King's. Call 354-9532 for info.
CTOC BENEFIT--Sat. Jan. 26 at the Blessed Sacrament School Hall, 12 McTernan St. (between Pearl and Mazazine), Cambridgeport, 8 p.m., $2 contribution.
BILL EVANS--Through Sun. Jan. 27 at Jazz Workshop. Call 267-1300 for info.
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Clever But Cold