
Matthews May Be Violating Health Code

Toilets, Showers Damaged in Bathrooms

Two men's bathrooms in the south entry of Matthews Hall are apparently in violation of the Cambridge health code, a city inspector said yesterday.

Joseph Nicoloro said the University could be subject to a criminal complaint or condemnation of the building if the Health Department investigates and the University does not repair Matthews's damaged fixtures.

Four showers were dismantled and a toilet damaged as a result of vandalism on December 15 during a dorm party. The toilet has been removed from the wall, exposing an uncapped sewer line, apparently a direct violation of the health code.

48 in 2 Showers

The lack of proper facilities forces all 48 of the men in the south entry to use two showers, Jeffery D. Dunn '77, a resident of Matthews, said yesterday.


Dunn said he and Dean J. Askin '77 went to F. Skiddy von Stade '38, dean of freshmen, one week ago and protested the situation.

A spokesman for the department of Buildings and Grounds said that B&G has let contracts for the repairs but she would not elaborate.

Burriss W.C. Young '55, associate dean of freshmen, said yesterday he will be in contact with Building and Grounds to speed the repairs. Young said the University will absorb the cost of the repairs since the identity of the vandals remains unknown.

Von Stade was unavailable for comment.
